Saturday, September 11, 2010

Logan's 4 months old!!

I can't believe my baby is four months old already, seems like just yesterday we were just bringing him home from the hospital...although it seems like the sleepless nights were a long time ago, thank goodness for that:):) Well, at four months old here is a run down of whats going on with Logan:
  • loving to sit up, jump in his jumper, anything that is active....this stage is hard because he's not old enough to sit up on his own, but he hates laying down for the most part
  • hating cereal...we have given him cereal in his bottle since he was about 2 months old to get his to sleep through the night, we didnt have to do this with Austin because he slept without it, but Logan was not sleeping through the night without it so we decided to try it and it worked. But when he turned four months old we have been trying to get him to eat cereal off a spoon and he hates it. He makes the worst faces and actually gags he hates it so bad. We have tried both rice and oatmeal cereal, tried flavored cereal, tried adding bananas to it, and so far no luck. I'm not really sure what we are going to do as Austin always loved everything he ate. Guess we'll just keep trying different things every few days, we have to eventually find something he likes!!
  • Still a super smiley, happy baby...we dont hear him cry very often and its hard to find a time where he is not happy and smiling
  • very laid back, I have said before I don't know how people do it if they have two babies close together and the second ones not laid back. Logan gets put in his bouncer, jumper, etc a lot when we are pushing Austin on his bike, pitching balls to him to hit, playing cars, running with him, etc.....its a good thing Logan is so laid back

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