Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I can't believe it worked...

I thought for sure it would take days, maybe even weeks to completely break him of his pacifier habit. I am still in shock a bit that he was over it in basically one day. The first night was a little rough, I think I went into his room about 3-4 times to soothe him, but in total he probably only cried 10 minutes that entire night. And the next day all was back to normal. No crying at naps or bedtime, and he didnt even cry last night!!! I still cant believe it. He absolutely LOVED his bink at nap and bedtime, but thankfully its over and it wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting:)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Made it through day 1

We decided (and when I say we, I really mean me) to take Austin's pacifier at 6 months. From everything I've read and heard, and reinforced by Austin's pediatrician, it is way easier to get rid of the bink around 6 months. Apparently after that they have better long term memory and its a harder habit to break. We were all set to do it Saturday, but he was sick and I didn't want to make life even worse for him. But this morning he woke up, fever free and back to his normal happy self, so I decided to just take the plunge and get rid of it. Nap 1 this morning he cried for about 10-12 minutes and then gave up and went to sleep. I cried for about 5-7 minutes, trust me it was probably harder on me then him:):) Nap 2 this afternoon he cried for about 8-9 minutes and then was out. Tonight at bedtime, he cried for 1 1/2 -2 minutes and that was it!!! I couldn't believe it. I was thoroughly epecting him to cry for hours because even though he hadn't used his pacifier during the day hardly at all, he loved his binky at nap and bed time. But, so far so good, day 1 wasn't bad. But, I am off to bed now, because I have no clue how it will go if he wakes up in the middle of the night and I am just preparing for the worst!!