Tuesday, August 10, 2010

three months old!!!

Hard to believe Logan is 3 months old already!!! Seems like just yesterday we were headed to the hospital to find out what our new bundle of joy would be!!! Here is a little run down of what he is up to these days:
  • he really wants to sit up these days....he's a little too big for his britches here as he cant quite sit up very well but he still really wants to all the time
  • loves his jumper/bouncer thing...we just started putting him in it this week. he doesn't do any jumping yet, but he loves to sit upright in it more and see some new toys!! he must be taller then Austin was at this age because I have pictures of Austin in this toy at the same age and he had to stand on a box and Logan clearly touches the ground
  • laughing a ton...he is a super happy smiley baby and has now started giggling too, super cute:):) He definitely smiles a lot more then Austin did as a baby
  • babbling up a storm, definitely in the o-face stage with some crazy sounds coming out of his mouth...he definitely likes to hear himself "talk"
  • still an amazing sleeper, sleeps usually 9pm to 6-8 am, and takes 2 or 3 1-2 hour naps during the day...i was super nervous about his napping during the day as we had gotten into a really bad habit of letting him nap on his stomach during the day and then this week he had to go to daycare where he has to nap on his back, but it was a smooth transition and he is napping just as great on his back at day care
  • daycare started this week for him..so far so good, she says he has been a good little boy and only fusses when he is hungry or tired..wasn't nearly as hard sending him to daycare for the first time as it was for Austin..must be because we know Nikki (our sitter) a lot better now and know he is in good hands!!
  • still being a super laid-back pretty easy little baby..i think i have only heard him get really wound up and cry twice in 3 months and both times were when we were out in public places with lots of people around and he was super tired, so I don't know if he was overwhelmed with all the people or just mad he couldn't be laid down on his stomach to sleep....but other then that he hardly ever fusses
Well, thats a little rundown of Logan's life at 3 months. Next month Austin turns 2 and we will be having a birthday party for him in North Platte, of course a Mickey party, even though the last few days he has been telling me he wants a Minnie party instead, somehow I don't think Matt will go for that:):) Enjoy the pics below!!

loving my new bouncer

a weird colored pic, but super cute of him:)
pretty good pic of the boys

first day in the bouncer...wasn't too sure about it

such a smiley baby:):)

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