Friday, July 9, 2010

Two month check-up and Baba's here!!!

Sorry this is a few weeks late, but Logan had his 2 week check up and he is definitely getting big fast. He was 24 inches long and 13 lbs 4 oz, both coming in at 88% percentile. Still slightly smaller than Austin was at his age, but he is closing the gap quickly!!! He is changing every day and looks so much different then his birth pictures its crazy. He is still sleeping most of the day, and is usually pretty good for a 10-4 and then until 7 or 8 or so. I was looking at Austins blog/book and he started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks (10-6am), but no such luck with Logan. I am hoping he figures it out soon, as I am getting really sick of getting up at 3 or 4 am every day!! He is smiling a ton, cooing, and has even started laughing in the past week or so:):) It's crazy now to think that Austin was ever that little and seems like I can't even remember it and he is only 22 months old!! I can't believe how big Austin is getting and how fast he is growing up. He is starting to become so independent and is definitely a toddler now and no longer my little baby, kinda makes me sad... But, as he promised me today he isn't going to get any bigger and he is going to stay this age forever:):) I have the weekend off so I promise to take some new pictures and will post them tomorrow when I have some free time during naptime. Matt has been gone all week to Texas for Nationals for baseball with the 12 year old team he coaches so there hasn't been a whole lot of free time around here. Matt's mom Sally has been here this week and she has been watching the boys as well as Matt's sister Jamie's kids. She has had 5 kids, ages 6, 4, 22 months, 9 months, and 2 months...what a busy lady!!! She even had all 5 kids one night as I worked until 10:30 one night and had to be back by 8:00 the next morning so she just kept them all night!!! I know...crazy lady huh:):) We are super thankful and don't know what we would have done with out her....and I'm just glad she survived the week!!

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