Saturday, September 11, 2010

Austin turns two & trip to North Platte

Dad's attempt on the jet ski floatie

This is how you lay out with kids.....this explains why mom's are so white:):)

Family photo before the wedding

"I do what papa???"

Austin blowing out his candles

Austin loved his Mickey cake!!

Playing at the children's museum on Austin's birthday

As you can see from the pictures Austin turned two and we went to North Platte to celebrate with some friends and family. We had a wedding in North Platte on the same weekend so it worked out well to celebrate while we were there. We went to the Children's museum on Austin's birthday and then had a little get together the next day with some family for his birthday. It was nice to get to visit with family and we were really glad so many people could make it to celebrate with us. He was so excited when we picked up his Mickey cake, and of course he wanted to eat it right away. Let's just say by the time his party rolled around his cake definitely had some finger holes in it from him sticking his finger in it and eating it, thanks Nina!!! Saturday night the boys had a sleepover at Matt's parents house, it was our first night that we've been without both boys since Austin was born, it was kinda nice to get to sleep in and not be woke up by 7:30am:):) Here is a little rundown of what's going on with Austin at age 2:
  • he's potty trained...completely, i cant believe it!!! I definitely credit this to Matt, he had been taking his diaper off at night and letting him run around naked from the waist down and apparently that did the trick. We have had very few accidents, I think only 4 or 5 the entire time and hes been in big boy pants for about a month now. He even wears them to bed at night, thats right no diapers, ever!!!! I figure he knew all the diapers we were buying were really starting to break the bank and he's doing his part to help the family out financially:):)
  • Talks up a storm...we don't always understand what he is saying, but he definitely likes to talk, I wonder where he gets that:):)
  • Loves his baby brother....this is a relationship that took a while to achieve, it started out at first with a little jealousy and some elbows and knee jabs at Logan, but has no developed in hugs and wanting to hold and feed him, he is quite the little helper when it comes to getting Logan's diapers for us and putting his bink back in his mouth
  • Has entered his lightening mcqueen phase...dont get me wrong Mickey is still number 1 but lightening mcqueen has definitely peeked his interest...from what I hear this is quite a long phase and we are in for the long haul with many lightening mcqueen years ahead!!

Logan's 4 months old!!

I can't believe my baby is four months old already, seems like just yesterday we were just bringing him home from the hospital...although it seems like the sleepless nights were a long time ago, thank goodness for that:):) Well, at four months old here is a run down of whats going on with Logan:
  • loving to sit up, jump in his jumper, anything that is active....this stage is hard because he's not old enough to sit up on his own, but he hates laying down for the most part
  • hating cereal...we have given him cereal in his bottle since he was about 2 months old to get his to sleep through the night, we didnt have to do this with Austin because he slept without it, but Logan was not sleeping through the night without it so we decided to try it and it worked. But when he turned four months old we have been trying to get him to eat cereal off a spoon and he hates it. He makes the worst faces and actually gags he hates it so bad. We have tried both rice and oatmeal cereal, tried flavored cereal, tried adding bananas to it, and so far no luck. I'm not really sure what we are going to do as Austin always loved everything he ate. Guess we'll just keep trying different things every few days, we have to eventually find something he likes!!
  • Still a super smiley, happy baby...we dont hear him cry very often and its hard to find a time where he is not happy and smiling
  • very laid back, I have said before I don't know how people do it if they have two babies close together and the second ones not laid back. Logan gets put in his bouncer, jumper, etc a lot when we are pushing Austin on his bike, pitching balls to him to hit, playing cars, running with him, etc.....its a good thing Logan is so laid back

4 month and 2 year old check-ups

Hard to believe that my little baby is already 4 months old and Austin already 2 years, time sure does fly!!! We had both boys check-ups last week, let me tell you that was an experience....I don't really know what I was thinking but I scheduled both Austins 2 year check-up and Logan's 4 month checkup for the same day back to back when Matt was working, which meant I had to take both boys by myself. Now normally I take both boys places by myself all the time, but Austin is getting old enough that he knew where we were going and what normally happens there.....shots!!!!! From the minute we pulled into the parking lot he wanted to leave, I'm pretty sure I heard "go mommy" about 300 times in the hour we were there. Trying to keep Austin from having a major melt down and getting both evaluated by the doctor was exhausting to say the least!!! The only thing I thought would save me was the fact that Austin didn't have to get shots, just Logan. Well come to find out they have come out with a new pneumonia vaccine and he had to get his finger poked to get his hemoglobin tested. Thank goodness he was old enough to get the flu mist, which goes up his nose and saved us from one more shot. I had them give Logan his shots first because I knew he would be satisfied with a bottle and would recover from his shots a lot faster then Austin would. Poor Logan had to get two shots, which I guess was better then the 3 he had to get at his two month check-up. Here were their measurements:
  • Height: 26.5 inches (the exact same as Austin was at this age) which was the 93%
  • Weight: 17lbs 5 oz ( 7 oz lighter then Austin was at this age) which was the 88%
  • head circumference was the 40% (lets just say this was a LOT smaller then Austins at this age)
  • Height: 37 inches (the doctor told us if you double their height at age 2, a lot of times this is close to their final height, which in his case would be 6'2" if he is that tall he'll tower over his mom and dad!!!) this was the 95%
  • Weight: 30 lbs this was the 75%
  • head circumference is still in the 90%
So, as you can see both of the boys are right on track developmentally and growing like weeds. Logan has had a little bought of cradle cap that we've been trying to get rid of without much luck so his pediatrician recommended that we use antidandruff shampoo on it, so right now we are trying some selsun blue, we'll see how that works.