- will FINALLY eat food. After 2 months of basically shoving spoonfuls down his throat he finally willingly eats babyfood. He only eats about 1/2 of a container at a time and definitely will not eat cereal off a spoon so we have pretty much given up on that, but for now I am just content that he eats fruits and veggies and we continue to give him cereal out of a bottle.
- Sits up like a champ...I feel like he sits up wayy better then Austin did at this age, but who knows....maybe I just don't remember. He loves to sit up like a big boy and play with some "big boy toys"
- Still not rolling....apparently our kids are just a little slow to figure out how to roll over....Austin was super old the first time he rolled over and apparently Logan is following suit.
- We have his official 6 month appt next week but he went to the doctor last week for a sick visit wand was 19lbs, which was 2 lbs lighter then Austin was at his age
- Its about time to get rid of the binky...we took Austins binky at 6 months and I plan on doing the same thing with Logan....we are just waiting for a free weekend which I think should be in about 2 weeks...I'm sure that will make for an interesting post or two...
- Still a pretty laid back baby...we have some sleep issues the past few weeks but we have been battling an ear infection so hopefully that is all it is and he goes back to being the good sleeper that he is...Matt really hopes so as he is sick of sleeping with him every night:):)
- Has awesome hair.....from what I hear this is thanks to uncle Danny. Logan has this patch of hair on the crown of his head that stands straight up in the air, I was hoping it went away soon, but from what I hear his uncle danny's hair did this until he was 3...great:):)
Ryder 9 Month and Family Pics
9 years ago