- he's potty trained...completely, i cant believe it!!! I definitely credit this to Matt, he had been taking his diaper off at night and letting him run around naked from the waist down and apparently that did the trick. We have had very few accidents, I think only 4 or 5 the entire time and hes been in big boy pants for about a month now. He even wears them to bed at night, thats right no diapers, ever!!!! I figure he knew all the diapers we were buying were really starting to break the bank and he's doing his part to help the family out financially:):)
- Talks up a storm...we don't always understand what he is saying, but he definitely likes to talk, I wonder where he gets that:):)
- Loves his baby brother....this is a relationship that took a while to achieve, it started out at first with a little jealousy and some elbows and knee jabs at Logan, but has no developed in hugs and wanting to hold and feed him, he is quite the little helper when it comes to getting Logan's diapers for us and putting his bink back in his mouth
- Has entered his lightening mcqueen phase...dont get me wrong Mickey is still number 1 but lightening mcqueen has definitely peeked his interest...from what I hear this is quite a long phase and we are in for the long haul with many lightening mcqueen years ahead!!
Ryder 9 Month and Family Pics
9 years ago
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