Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Day We Thought Would Never Come......

or rather I guess the night....last night at 10 weeks and 1 day old, Logan slept through the night, WOOHOO!!! And by through the night I mean 9:30pm to 7:30 am!!! He had been sleeping 10-4 most nights for the past month or so, but we were desperately hoping for the night he could sleep past 4, even if it was only 5 or so. It literally seemed like he had an internal alarm clock and at 4am it went off!! I'm sure he isn't going to start sleeping 10 hours every night, but atleast now we know it is possible and longer nights of sleep are in our near future:):)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

4th of July and other pics

Mom, put down the camera and get ready!!

All smiles:):)

Chillin outside

Playing in my pool

Not sure what to think

Cute pic of him, sorry for my nastiness, guess this is what a 9
hour work day on your feet does to you on 5 hours of sleep:):)
watching the fireworks, a little scared

some neighbors and their fireworks

Kenzie with her sparkler

Taryn all sacked out

Taryn jumping away in the jumper, getting big fast:):)

Kaylee and Austin being "bucketheads"

Atleast he picked the cute pink bucket:):) Made Dad proud!!

Brandon and neighbor Keaton running through the slip 'n slide

Brandon driving the new power wheel we got Austin at a grage sale,
a bobcat just like papa's!!! A little too big for him,
but I'm sure he'll love it in a few years
Cutie pie!!

what a ham:):)