In September we took the boys to the Douglas county fair at the Qwest center. They had lots of things for kids to do and the boys got to see all the animals and Austin even got to hold a baby chick!! Austin had tons of fun, and Logan just enjoyed all the noise and people around. Then at the end of September Nina (my mom) came down and brought two of my sisters kids, Brandon and Kaylee, and we all went to Vala's pumpkin patch. The kids had soooo much fun. We rode the train, rode pony's, took a hay rack ride, fed all the animals, went through all the attractions, jumped on the giant jumpers, and went down about every slide imaginable. The kids had a blast!!! Once again, Logan was just along for the ride, but he was great as usual and just enjoyed the new scenery.

These faces are hilarious!!

Austin loved feeding the animals!!

Kaylee on her pony

Austin was not so sure about his pony

The kids loved this giant jumper

Austin thought feeding the goats was hilarious!!

This was at the county fair, Logan has apparently learned this from his father:):)

Matt trying to teach Austin how to milk a cow

Baby chicks!!!

jumping away in his jumper

The boys

so serious:):)