Sorry I have been such a bad blogger the last few weeks...I have been working a lot and studying a ton for boards so I haven't had much time to post on here. I took my boards test on Monday and am anxiously waiting my results of that test, and I take my Nebraska Law test on Friday so I am busy studying for that!! I pray that I pass them all the first time, as I definately am sick of studying and dont want to have to go through this all again!!!
Austin had his 9 month check up on Monday. He hasn't slowed down any....He was 30 inches long, 23 lbs 12 oz, so still between 90-95th percentile for both, and his head was still in the 90th percentil too. She was impressed with his continued growth, but I'm sure it will slow down once he figures out how to start moving. He still isn't crawling, he seems content to just roll wherever he wants to go. Personally, I think his gut is still too big to get off the ground. He may be one of those kids that never crawls and goes straight to walking, who knows. Nothing too new with him around here. Still only has the two bottom teeth, but his pediatrician seems to think that his four top teeth are about to come in, and all about the same time, yikes!!! Guess that will make for a few crabby nights:):) Atleast he was considerate enough to wait until after my boards were over:):) I had to cut his hair already. I had trimmed around his ears about a month ago, but I couldn't take his bangs being in his eyes any longer so I had to trim those as well. It's amzing how much more grown up he looks since I cut it. He continues to babble, and laughs nonstop, and he has starting making some very funny faces and laughing noises. He is developing quite a little personality of his own. Well, thats probably enough for now, just a little update on our lives. Better get back to studying, have a great rest of the week!!!