Ok, for some reason it wont let me type anything before the pictures, so guess I will do it down here. We got to get away from reality for a while and head to North Platte to the lake for four days last week and it was a nice relaxing vacation. We got to hang out at my parents cabin and pretty much just enjoy the nice weather. Austin loved cruising around on their new golf cart, almost as much as he loved spraying us with water out of the motorized boat he drove around. I couldn't believe how spot on his aim was with that thing!!! My great aunt Carolyn even came back from Colorado just to see us. We hadn't gotten to see her in over a year and she hadn't seen Logan yet, so it was great to get to spend some time with her. Overall it was a great time, went way too fast and made me realize we don't get back home near often enough!! The boys are still getting big way to fast. Hard to believe Logan is almost 3 months old already and in just a few short months Austin will be two!! They are both so much fun and I cherish and enjoy every minute I get to send with them. Next week is their first week back at day care after the summer, so this will be Logan's first days at day care....definitely a littler nervous about that but not near as much as I was with Austin. They are going to the same lady's house that Austin went to since he was born, so it's nice knowing that he is going to be somewhere in good hands. It will still be a little sad though to know he isn't going to be home with either me or Matt anymore:(:(
Ryder 9 Month and Family Pics
9 years ago