Well, surgery went well and Austin was a real trooper. They had no problems removing the cyst and he has just one stitch and a few sterry strips to hold his skin together, so not too bad. The nurse said he went right to sleep before surgery with no problems and wasn't scared at all before. The surgery lasted about an hour and he was definately a little shaken up coming out of anesthesia. They said he had a pretty hard time in recovery, crying most of the time, but he didn't ever get sick so that was good. So far he been able to just get through the pain with a little tylenol, and he maybe doesn't even need that today, but we are going to give it to him one more day so he's not in too much pain, its hard when they can't tell you if it hurts or not. He was pretty groggy and his little eyes were very droopy all day yesterday, and he woke up wimpering a little in the night, but so far today he has been almost back to normal so thats good. I am just glad to have the surgery over, and everything was a success!!!

Left eye is still a little swollen

playing with my ball today

such a big boy

photo op with Nina (my mom)

cute pic:):)

up close day after surgery

another close up shot, yes his shirt is messy,
we were giving him a little ice cream for his throat:):)

day before surgery

before surgery
So...were there any hair or teeth in the cyst??? I'm glad things went well and that he is feeling good today...I was thinking about him yesterday.
We forgot to ask about what was in the cyst, when you see your little one crying, in pain, and looking half drunk somehow it slipped my mind!?!?! I wish I would have though, would have been cool to see:):)
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