We went this morning and had Austin's first professional pictures taken. Lets just say, it was a DISASTER!!! He had a terrible last 24 hours from his reaction to his shots (see previous post) and not getting any sleep and having a fever, so 9 am pictures were not ideal. He was also very scared of the guy taking his pictures, every time he talked to Austin he would start screaming and crying. It was so weird, he has never reacted to anybody like that before. Needless to say after about an hour of trying (with a short break in the middle to try to calm Austin down) we gave up and decided to just work with what we had. Normally they take about 60 shots to pick from, but we had only goten 17, so there wasn't a whole lot to choose from and a lot of them had either him crying or one of us in the picture trying to calm him down and get out of the way fast (but apparently not fast enough). But, we did pick out 4 pictures that were pretty good (not great becauase I think you can tell he looks like he doesnt feel good) but atleast we didnt have to go home empty handed. So, here are all the snap shots they got, we got a cd of them so I just uploaded them so you could see the struggle it was:):)

Not loving it at this point....

We got this one

Not loving the block pose...

One of the ones we bought

Another one we bought, looks a little sick, but not bad
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